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Image by Amanda Sixsmith

“The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself, everything that you want you already are.”

- Rumi

About Section


I am glad you are here. I have been helping people with psychotherapy for almost three decades and I can help you.


My passion is working with people who are sensitive, intelligent, and who don’t feel like they really fit in, whose sexuality, relationships and ways of thinking and feeling don’t fit into conventional categories.


I help people discover their authentic selves.


  • away from shame and fear to joy and celebration


  • away from being ruled by others’ judgment to leading self-directed lives


  • away from trauma and invalidation to self-love and liberation


This practice is welcoming to all: anti-racist, social justice oriented, LGBTQ+ affirming, kink affirming, non-monogamy affirming, and neurodiversity affirming. 



I am offering services in person and by telehealth for the state of Michigan, and in person in my office.


No matter your issues, you can expect a collaborative, affirming, and compassionate space that addresses the beauty and complexity that is you as we work together to address your needs.

Reaching Out Is The First Step

I’d love to hear from you. I’m happy to answer your questions or schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.

Remote Working


Phone: 734-206-1920



209 E. Washington Ave.

Suite 253

Jackson, MI 49201

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